Andrey Novikov Приложения

Genshtab Maps for Androzic 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Online maps plugin for Androzic. Requires Androzic version2.1 or higher to be installed.Adds support for Genshtab (Soviet Military) online maps inscales of 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, 2 km, 5 km, 10 km.Map source has limited resources so tiles are downloaded notvery fast.To get access to maps install this plugin, restart Androzic, goto maps settings, add needed scales to online map sources. Afterthat select a map. Maps have limited coverage, you can check it byzooming map to the minimum scale.
Androzic 2.3
Andrey Novikov
Navigation client that uses old OziExplorerozf2 maps and modern OSM vector maps. Great for hiking,geocaching, off-roading, sailing, boating and other outdooractivities. If you plan to use ozf2 maps you are expected to beaware of OziExplorer or at least of where to get such maps. Mapscan also be created by yourself, but with some effort, see FAQ fordetails. If you plan to use OSM vector maps you have to download itby yourself on device. More information can be found on"> can work without maps as a simple navigator. It alsoworks with a number of online maps such as Open Street Map (viaplugins, Internet connection required).Application features:• support for ozf2 maps (ozfx3 maps can be opened but notguaranteed)• support for OSM vector maps• support for online maps• support for SAS.Planet maps cache• works without maps as a simple navigator• track recording in background (power-safe)• navigation to waypoint and via route• track to route conversion• route creation and manipulation• works with waypoints, tracks and routes in Ozi format• reads waypoints, tracks and routes in KML and GPX format• HSI and compass• configurable units• UTM coordinates• search for locations via Google geocoder• location and waypoint sharing• portrait and landscape modes• tablet supportFunctionality can be extended by plugins:• receive coordinates via text messages (sms)• receive coordinates from tracker devices• share location in real timeAndrozic is free and open-source. It is distributed underGNU GPL v3 license. More information can be found on! Modern versions of Img2Ozf generate maps in newencrypted format, they won't open in Androzic. Please use olderversions of Img2Ozf, last known good version is 3.03.
Thunderforest Map for Androzic 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Online maps plugin for Androzic. Requires Androzic version2.1 or higher to be installed.Adds support for Thunderforest online maps:• OpenCycleMap – award-winning global map for cycling.• Transport – shows public transportation in great detail.• Landscape – focused on information about the natural world -great for rural context.• Outdoors – for all the outdoor enthusiasts - hiking, skiing andother activities.To get access to maps install this plugin, restart Androzic, goto maps settings, add needed scales to online map sources. Afterthat select a map.For more information visit:
Androzic Compass Plugin 1.1
Andrey Novikov
This is an Androzic plugin. It providesmagnetic compass screen. It can be run as a standalone application.If used as a plugin it requires Androzic version 1.7 or higher.Launcher icon can be disabled.The compass uses magnetic sensor of your device and workscorrectly both in portrait and landscape mode, optionally locked toportrait mode.To get the most accurate readings from the compass be sure tokeep it in a horizontal level. The compass is most accurate whenclose to earth.The compass fully depends on the performance of your device. Ifit is inaccurate, please check that you aren't being affected by amagnetic field (large metal objects, magnets, high voltagedevices). Also you should calibrate your device before each use ofcompass.
Androzic Donation 1.0
Andrey Novikov
This application is only for those who want tothank the developer of Androzic navigation application. Androzic isdistributed free of charge and runs without any limitations. Thisapplication currently does nothing and even is not shown bylauncher. It is intended only for your good will.
Location Share Plugin 1.4
Andrey Novikov
This is a MapTrek and Androzic plugin.It requires MapTrek or Androzic to be installed. It enableslocation sharing with other MapTrek/Androzic users in "real" time.Plugin embeds in application menu, it is not accessible fromAndroid launcher.Locations are shared within a group (session). Locations arestored on a dedicated server. It means that your device mustprovide data connectivity (e.g. GPRS or WiFi).All locations are stored on server for 24 hours (cleanedhourly).
Androzic Tracker Plugin 1.1
Andrey Novikov
This is an Androzic plugin. It requiresAndrozic to be installed. It receives text messages (SMS) from GPStrackers and displays its locations on Androzic map. RequiresAndrozic version 1.7.3 or higher.Currently supports Xexun TK101, TK102, TK102-2, TK201, TK201-2trackers. May be it supports other Xexun trackes and its manyclones, but it is not tested. If your tracker is not listed herebut is correctly working with plugin please note it in review. Ifplugin does not recognize messages from your tracker please sharemessage example via Androzic Support and Feedback.Plugin can show notifications when a new text message from atracker is received.After installing plugin you have to run Androzic once toinitialize it. Otherwise plugin will not monitor SMS messages untilAndrozic is started.
Location Bug 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Companion application for Androzic LocationSharing Plugin which enables sending locations in real time. Itis small and works in background. It does not have any userinterface to see other users in a sharing session nor it consumesany traffic to get that data. Thus it is useful if you only want tobroadcast your current location to other users in real time.Locations are stored on a dedicated server so your device mustprovide data connectivity (e.g. GPRS or Wi-Fi).All locations are stored on server for 24 hours (cleanedhourly).
Androzic SMS Plugin 1.1
Andrey Novikov
This is an Androzic plugin. It requiresAndrozic to be installed. It filters incoming SMS messages withcoordinates sent by another Androzic user and passes them toAndrozic. Requires Androzic version 1.7.2 or higher.It monitors SMS messages all the time, even if Androzic is notrunning.READ_CONTACTS permission is used to read and pass sender name toAndrozic.After installing plugin you have to run Androzic once toinitialize it. Otherwise plugin will not monitor SMS messages untilAndrozic is started.
US AeroNav Charts for Androzic 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Online maps plugin forAndrozic.Requires Androzic version 2.1 or higher to beinstalled.Adds support for Chartbundle US AeroNav Online Charts:• Sectional Charts• Terminal Area Charts• World Aeronautical Charts• IFR Enroute Low Charts• IFR Enroute High Charts• IFR Area ChartsTo get access to maps install this plugin, restart Androzic,goto maps settings, add needed scales to online map sources.Afterthat select a map. Maps cover only US area.For more information visit:
Sync Plugin for Dropbox 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Plugin backups your saved places.
Austrian OGD Basemap for Treka 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Austrian OGD online basemaps for Trekarta Maps for Trekarta 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Online maps plugin for Trekarta. Requires Trekarta to beinstalled.Adds support for Czech online maps: • Standardmap •Tourist map • Orthophoto map How to access To get access tomapsinstall this plugin, restart Trekarta and press Maps buttontoselect a map. Maps cover only Czech area. Online maps are cachedbyTrekarta. It means you need internet access to view them, butallviewed areas can be later accessed without internet connection.Formore information visit:
US AeroNav Charts for Trekarta 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Chartbundle US AeroNav Online Charts for Trekarta
Poland Orthophoto Map for Trek 1.0
Andrey Novikov
Poland orthophoto online map for Trekarta
Trekarta - offline outdoor map 2022.05
Andrey Novikov
Detailed offline topo maps for hiking, cycling, skiing and otheractivities
Trekarta Lite - offline maps for outdoor activity
Andrey Novikov
Detailed offline topo maps for hiking, cycling, skiing and otheractivities.
Трекарта Лайт - оффлайн карты для активного отдыха
Andrey Novikov
Detailed offline maps for hiking, biking, skiing and otherrecreational activities